Abnormality Page: Malice

Level Name Malice Rate +0
Artwork SnowWhite_malice Description [Single Ally]
At the start of this Scene, all enemies take damage inversely proportional to the amount of HP the librarian has left. (Min. 5, Max. 30; Less HP is more DMG)
Sephirah Malkuth Abnormality Snow White’s Apple Emotion State Positive
Flavor text The inherent malice caused all life to crumble as soon as it bloomed.
  • My existence was born from wrath and a curse, yet I served as a blessing to someone else.
  • The lifeless vines continued to grow.
  • It grew, swallowing dreadful thoughts of revenge, anger at itself… and loneliness.
Internal NameSnowWhite_malice
Name (EN)Malice
Name (KR)악의
Name (JP)悪意
Emotion Rate0
Script ::EmotionCardAbility_snowwhite3
LOR: /card/emotioncard/EmotionCard_malkuth.xml, lines 186 ~ 197:

<EmotionCard ID="15">