Abnormality Page: Lies

Level Name Lies Rate -1
Artwork Pinocchio_Lie Description [Single Ally]
At the start of the Scene, randomize the Costs of all pages whose original Cost is less than 4.
Sephirah Keter Abnormality Pinocchio Emotion State Negative
Flavor text People lie all the time. Why is that a bad thing?
  • People love to say things the other way round.
  • They said it wasn’t for themselves. They were lying for the good of everyone…
  • Lalala… I sing along to the song of lies all the people sing.
  • I see the world upside down, as people have taught me.
  • Everyone lies, why are you saying it’s a bad thing?
Internal NamePinocchio_Lie
Name (EN)Lies
Name (KR)거짓말
Name (JP)
Emotion Rate-1
Script ::EmotionCardAbility_pinocchio2
LOR: /card/emotioncard/EmotionCard_keter.xml, lines 96 ~ 107:

<EmotionCard ID="8">