Abnormality Page: Fervent Beats

Level Name Fervent Beats Rate -3
Artwork HeartofAspiration_Atk Description [Single Ally]
The selected librarian dies at the end of the third Scene after which this page was chosen.
Gain 4 Strength, Endurance, Haste, and Protection each Scene until death. All Stagger damage resistances change to "Ineffective".
Sephirah Keter Abnormality Heart of Aspiration Emotion State Negative
Flavor text A heart without an owner; it still beats even after being removed from its body.
  • Yes, feel the rapid beating of your heart.
  • If you keep craving and do nothing to sate it, it’ll become too big and burst eventually.
  • Join me in this feverish and quick pulsation.
  • Even if it means I must burst someday, I want to see the end of it.
  • The more you aspire, the faster the beats will get.
Internal NameHeartofAspiration_Atk
Name (EN)Fervent Beats
Name (KR)몰아치는 박동
Name (JP)押し寄せる鼓動
Emotion Rate-3
Script ::EmotionCardAbility_heart_rush
LOR: /card/emotioncard/EmotionCard_keter.xml, lines 70 ~ 81:

<EmotionCard ID="6">