Abnormality Page: Pulsation

Level Name Pulsation Rate -2
Artwork HeartofAspiration_Heart Description [All Allies]
Gain 1-2 Strength at the end of each Scene.
At the end of each Scene, if the librarian did not deal any damage with Offensive dice, they lose 25% of their Max HP. (Max. 30)
Sephirah Keter Abnormality Heart of Aspiration Emotion State Negative
Flavor text Excessive aspiration would bring about unwarranted frenzy.
  • Overwhelming aspiration is what leads to wrongful frenzy.
  • Why won’t you wish for anything when you’ve earned such power?
  • He who holds power should rightfully wield it.
  • Yes, feel the rapid beating of your heart.
  • It seems we have a common goal we’re desperately wishing for, so allow us to help.
Internal NameHeartofAspiration_Heart
Name (EN)Pulsation
Name (KR)고동
Name (JP)鼓動
Emotion Rate-2
Script ::EmotionCardAbility_doki
LOR: /card/emotioncard/EmotionCard_keter.xml, lines 44 ~ 55:

<EmotionCard ID="4">