Abnormality Page: A Kiss

Level Name A Kiss Rate +1
Artwork TheSnowQueen_Chu Description [Single Ally]
After winning 2 or more clashes with a single Combat Page, inflict Ice Splinter to the opponent.
At the end of each Scene, characters with 3 or more Ice Splinters become Immobilized for the next Scene.
Sephirah Keter Abnormality The Snow Queen Emotion State Positive
Flavor text The Snow Queen’s kiss froze his heart, and he couldn’t feel the cold anymore.
  • Only those who know of the scent of roses can bring an end to it all.
  • You must have had a warm heart once.
  • Forgetting the cold, forgetting the memories, and at last…
  • Could a frozen heart that’s become numb to the cold thaw out?
  • Only the fortitudinous shall be able to rescue the frozen.
Internal NameTheSnowQueen_Chu
Name (EN)A Kiss
Name (KR)입맞춤
Name (JP)口づけ
Emotion Rate1
Script ::EmotionCardAbility_snowqueen2
LOR: /card/emotioncard/EmotionCard_keter.xml, lines 135 ~ 146:

<EmotionCard ID="11">