Abnormality Page: A Nostalgic Sound

Level Name A Nostalgic Sound Rate +1
Artwork BlueStar_Melody Description [All Allies]
All allies deal +2-4 Stagger damage for this Scene. The effect of this page activates every 3 Scenes afterwards.
Sephirah Hokma Abnormality Blue Star Emotion State Positive
Flavor text The rise of a star is a brand new beginning. Don’t you hear the everlasting sound of the trumpet?
  • Can you hear this sound? The nostalgic echo we’ve been eagerly searching for?
  • Aah… At last…! It’s calling for us at last!
  • That call is guiding us to the only place that will accept us…!
Internal NameBlueStar_Melody
Name (EN)A Nostalgic Sound
Name (KR)그리운 소리
Name (JP)懐かしい音
Emotion Rate1
Script ::EmotionCardAbility_bluestar3
LOR: /card/emotioncard/EmotionCard_hokma.xml, lines 107 ~ 118:

<EmotionCard ID="9">