Abnormality Page: Penance

Level Name Penance Rate +0
Artwork BlueStar_Atonement Description [Single Ally]
If any character is Staggered at the start of the Scene, they take 3-7 damage, and all allies gain 1 Strength for the Scene. (Multiple Staggered characters do not give more Strength)
Sephirah Hokma Abnormality Blue Star Emotion State Negative
Flavor text Our Blue Star is the only sanctuary that accepts us. We will be cleansed of our sins there.
  • Let us completely take off this filthy husk and shine brightly.
  • We shouldn’t let our anxiety fester inside us, busying ourselves trying to forget our wrongdoings by erasing them.
  • We’ll all eventually go back to that place and cleanse ourselves of all sin there.
Internal NameBlueStar_Atonement
Name (EN)Penance
Name (KR)속죄
Name (JP)贖罪
Emotion Rate0
Script ::EmotionCardAbility_bluestar2
LOR: /card/emotioncard/EmotionCard_hokma.xml, lines 94 ~ 105:

<EmotionCard ID="8">