Abnormality Page: Martyr

Level Name Martyr Rate -1
Artwork BlueStar_martyrdom Description [Single Ally]
Add a 'Martyr' page to hand: ‘Cost 0 - [On Play] For this Scene, deal 4-6 bonus Stagger damage with attacks but take 1-3 damage after a successful attack’.
The page is also included in the deck at the start of subsequent Acts.
Sephirah Hokma Abnormality Blue Star Emotion State Negative
Flavor text Let us meet again as stars.
  • Let’s relish eternal happiness at the end of this universe together.
  • Life cannot resist the instincts; we all go back to that place someday.
  • We are not dying. We’re simply returning to where we belong.
Internal NameBlueStar_martyrdom
Name (EN)Martyr
Name (KR)순교
Name (JP)殉教
Emotion Rate-1
Script ::EmotionCardAbility_bluestar1
LOR: /card/emotioncard/EmotionCard_hokma.xml, lines 81 ~ 92:

<EmotionCard ID="7">