Abnormality Page: Divine Power

Level Name Divine Power Rate +1
Artwork WhiteNight_White Description [Single Ally]
While this character is alive, all other allies gain 2 Protection each Scene.
If this character has used WhiteNight's E.G.O page, allies also absorb instances of 3 or less damage.
Sephirah Hokma Abnormality WhiteNight Emotion State Positive
Flavor text “Be not frightened. I am thy savior and I shall be with thee.”
  • Be at ease. No calamity shall be able to trouble you.
  • Ye will gain a body free of such corruption, so how could one deny that this is salvation.
  • Believe in me, and forever ye will be outside of the dark.
  • Ye will be revered, for I am divine.
Internal NameWhiteNight_White
Name (EN)Divine Power
Name (KR)권능
Name (JP)権能
Emotion Rate1
Script ::EmotionCardAbility_whitenight3
LOR: /card/emotioncard/EmotionCard_hokma.xml, lines 172 ~ 183:

<EmotionCard ID="14">