Abnormality Page: Sentinel

Level Name Sentinel Rate +3
Artwork WhiteNight_Guard Description [Single Ally]
As long as there are other allies whom can be targeted, the selected librarian will not be targeted for attacks.
If this character is alive at the end of the reception, resolve an additional book for every guest defeated.
Sephirah Hokma Abnormality WhiteNight Emotion State Positive
Flavor text “Thou art His Son; thou art the King.”
  • Ye who are full of blessings, rejoice. For I am with ye.
  • I shall guide you to the paradise that welcomes everyone.
  • I shall be with ye as I relieve you of the fear of horrifying death.
  • We shall bask in the fortune of being together forever, and none shall leave.
Internal NameWhiteNight_Guard
Name (EN)Sentinel
Name (KR)호위
Name (JP)護衛
Emotion Rate3
Script ::EmotionCardAbility_whitenight2
LOR: /card/emotioncard/EmotionCard_hokma.xml, lines 159 ~ 170:

<EmotionCard ID="13">