Abnormality Page: Advent

Level Name Advent Rate +2
Artwork WhiteNight_Red Description [Single Ally]
For the duration of the reception, restore 1 additional Light at the start of the Scene.
If the selected librarian also has the Abnormality page 'Baptism', its effect is enhanced: ‘Target recovers 12 HP and gains 2 Endurance this Scene’.
Sephirah Hokma Abnormality WhiteNight Emotion State Positive
Flavor text “I am death and life. Darkness and light.”
  • Ye who are drenched in sin. Rise and face me.
  • I have not manifested myself in such a form to lay judgement.
  • I shall undo the restrictions that have imprisoned you in this place, and lead you to the paradise that welcomes everyone.
  • I shall be with ye as I relieve you of the fear of horrifying death.
Internal NameWhiteNight_Red
Name (EN)Advent
Name (KR)강림
Name (JP)降臨
Emotion Rate2
Script ::EmotionCardAbility_whitenight1
LOR: /card/emotioncard/EmotionCard_hokma.xml, lines 146 ~ 157:

<EmotionCard ID="12">