Abnormality Page: Baptism

Level Name Baptism Rate +3
Artwork WhiteNight_Bless Description [Single Ally]
Add a 'Baptism' page to hand: ‘Cost 2 - [On Play;] [Return to Hand] Target recovers 6 HP and gains 1 Endurance this Scene (Once per Scene)’.
The page is also included in the deck at the start of subsequent Acts.
Sephirah Hokma Abnormality WhiteNight Emotion State Positive
Flavor text “I shall heal you, curing you of all disease and injury you possess.”
  • I am here to treat disease.
  • Place your trust in me. I am the only one who can help you.
  • Why have you not treated that scar?
  • I shall heal you, curing you of all disease and injury you possess.
Internal NameWhiteNight_Bless
Name (EN)Baptism
Name (KR)세례
Name (JP)洗礼
Emotion Rate3
Script ::EmotionCardAbility_plaguedoctor1
LOR: /card/emotioncard/EmotionCard_hokma.xml, lines 133 ~ 144:

<EmotionCard ID="11">