Abnormality Page: Lean, Bloody Wings

Level Name Lean, Bloody Wings Rate +1
Artwork Bloodytree_Wing Description [Single Ally]
On a deflect, deal half of the Block dice roll as physical damage to the opponent.
Sephirah Hokma Abnormality Burrowing Heaven Emotion State Positive
Flavor text Once it recognizes that it lost your attention and focus… It will spread its wings. Like an angel, its wings will reach the skies and extend toward the ground, eventually blocking the sun out.
  • Basking in everyone’s gaze and attention… It will finally come to fruition and spread its wings.
  • The one who spread their wings sacrificed everything they had, and yet…
  • If we ever open our eyes again, will we get to see the fruit of our labor in that gaze?
  • Do not come here… There is nothing but a thorny tree; it’s no place for you to rest…
Internal NameBloodytree_Wing
Name (EN)Lean, Bloody Wings
Name (KR)앙상한 핏빛 날개
Name (JP)か細い深紅の翼
Emotion Rate1
Script ::EmotionCardAbility_bloodytree1
LOR: /card/emotioncard/EmotionCard_hokma.xml, lines 3 ~ 14:

<EmotionCard ID="1">