Abnormality Page: Funny Prank

Level Name Funny Prank Rate -1
Artwork Laetitia_HeartGift Description [Single Ally]
The first die of any Combat Page the librarian plays will always roll either the maximum or minimum value.
Take 2-7 damage if it rolled the minimum value.
Sephirah Hod Abnormality Laetitia Emotion State Negative
Flavor text So this little lady has made a decision! To stay here and never leave until laughter is restored to this place!
  • Play with me! Join my friends and laugh with us.
  • How was my prank? It was fun, wasn’t it? Your face says so!
  • I don’t hear any laughter… They all look sad.
  • I want you to be pleased with my pranks!
Internal NameLaetitia_HeartGift
Name (EN)Funny Prank
Name (KR)재미난 장난
Name (JP)愉快ないたずら
Emotion Rate-1
Script ::EmotionCardAbility_latitia3
LOR: /card/emotioncard/EmotionCard_hod.xml, lines 149 ~ 160:

<EmotionCard ID="12">