Abnormality Page: Friend

Level Name Friend Rate +0
Artwork Laetitia_Friend Description [Single Ally]
At the start of the Scene, sneak a 'friend' into one of the Combat Pages in hand. (Excludes [On Play] pages)
Does not activate when there's already a page with a 'friend' in hand.
The page with the 'friend' gains 2-4 Power.
However, if the page is not used within 2 Scenes, it exhausts, dealing 2-7 damage to the librarian.
Sephirah Hod Abnormality Laetitia Emotion State Negative
Flavor text She was so sad that she had to leave her dear friends behind, so she came up with a brilliant idea!
  • I couldn’t leave my dear friends behind… So I came up with a brilliant idea!
  • Don’t you worry~ Only meanies hurt friends.
  • This place will get livelier the more friends I have!
  • I hope to find lots of friends here too~
Internal NameLaetitia_Friend
Name (EN)Friend
Name (KR)친구
Name (JP)友だち
Emotion Rate0
Script ::EmotionCardAbility_latitia2
LOR: /card/emotioncard/EmotionCard_hod.xml, lines 136 ~ 147:

<EmotionCard ID="11">