Abnormality Page: Claws of Savagery

Level Name Claws of Savagery Rate -2
Artwork BigBadWolf_Claw Description [Single Ally]
After the librarian sustains damage greater than 25% of their Max HP, become untargetable and unclashable next Scene.
The librarian gains 2 Strength that Scene, and inflicts 1 Bleed with each successful attack.
Sephirah Gebura Abnormality Big and Will be Bad Wolf Emotion State Negative
Flavor text Once upon a time, these claws would cut open the bellies of numerous creatures and tear apart their guts.
  • What sharp claws I had, the better to fill the role I was born for…
  • The wolf was born to do bad things and be punished accordingly…
  • These violent and savage claws would always tear into the skin of fresh meat…
  • Nothing was better than these claws at tearing apart someone’s guts…
Internal NameBigBadWolf_Claw
Name (EN)Claws of Savagery
Name (KR)흉악한 발톱
Name (JP)凶悪な爪
Emotion Rate-2
Script ::EmotionCardAbility_bigbadwolf2
LOR: /card/emotioncard/EmotionCard_geburah.xml, lines 52 ~ 62:

<EmotionCard ID="5">