Abnormality Page: A Road Walked Together

Level Name A Road Walked Together Rate +1
Artwork House_Home Description [Single Ally]
If an ally redirects an attack that was initially targeting this character, dice on that ally's page gain 1-2 Power in the clash.
Sephirah Chesed Abnormality The Road Home Emotion State Positive
Flavor text Let’s walk together. To a wonderful land… The world of dreams.
  • I was sound asleep, then the adventure suddenly began.
  • Hoyoyo~ Let’s go, together~!
  • Let’s skip home together!
  • There must be a beautiful wonderland at the end of the road…
Internal NameHouse_Home
Name (EN)A Road Walked Together
Name (KR)함께 가는 길
Name (JP)一緒に行く道
Emotion Rate1
Script ::EmotionCardAbility_waybackhome3
LOR: /card/emotioncard/EmotionCard_chesed.xml, lines 102 ~ 112:

<EmotionCard ID="9">