Abnormality Page: Home

Level Name Home Rate +0
Artwork House_BigHouse Description [All Allies]
At the start of the Scene, numbered targets are placed on up to 3/2/2/1/1 enemies, depending on the number of allies currently alive.
Each time a target is attacked in the correct order, increase outgoing damage by 3 for the Scene.
Sephirah Chesed Abnormality The Road Home Emotion State Positive
Flavor text Unable to ever go back home, they began an endless journey.
  • Don’t bother us! Let us go home in peace!
  • Ah~ That wizard! That wicked wizard!
  • The mean wizard took my friends!
  • Friends. Oh, friends. Will we get to go home?
Internal NameHouse_BigHouse
Name (EN)Home
Name (KR)
Name (JP)
Emotion Rate0
Script ::EmotionCardAbility_waybackhome2
LOR: /card/emotioncard/EmotionCard_chesed.xml, lines 90 ~ 100:

<EmotionCard ID="8">