Abnormality Page: Courage

Level Name Courage Rate +0
Artwork House_LionAtk Description [Single Ally]
At the start of the Scene, gain Strength and Protection equal to the number of allies currently alive subtracted by 2. (If the value is less than 0, Feeble and Fragile will be inflicted instead.)
Sephirah Chesed Abnormality The Road Home Emotion State Negative
Flavor text Can I follow you forever? So I can tear them apart…
  • Friend. I have nothing to fear when I have you around!
  • We set off with everyone~ Dancing along the road!
  • Friend. Oh, friends~! Let’s not be scared!
  • There’s nothing that can stop us!
Internal NameHouse_LionAtk
Name (EN)Courage
Name (KR)용기
Name (JP)勇気
Emotion Rate0
Script ::EmotionCardAbility_waybackhome1
LOR: /card/emotioncard/EmotionCard_chesed.xml, lines 78 ~ 88:

<EmotionCard ID="7">