Abnormality Page: Torn Off Wisdom

Level Name Torn Off Wisdom Rate -2
Artwork ScareCrow_Wisdom Description [Single Ally]
Whenever the librarian uses a page, discard a random page from hand and restore 1 Light. (Excludes [On Play] pages)
Sephirah Chesed Abnormality Scarecrow Searching for Wisdom Emotion State Negative
Flavor text When he returned, he had a visibly long scar on his head. People asked him how he felt, and he responded that his head felt lighter.
  • Wisdom… Give me the wisdom I lack…
  • My head is all empty… I’m just a dowdy pile of hay…
  • People often talk without thinking… I could make better use of those brains…
  • I wonder how it feels to be wise… To know everything…
  • I’m fine with detaching the head if it can get better once it comes back together…
Internal NameScareCrow_Wisdom
Name (EN)Torn Off Wisdom
Name (KR)뜯겨나간 지혜
Name (JP)食い取られた知恵
Emotion Rate-2
Script ::EmotionCardAbility_scarecrow1
LOR: /card/emotioncard/EmotionCard_chesed.xml, lines 5 ~ 15:

<EmotionCard ID="1">