Abnormality Page: Tilted Scale

Level Name Tilted Scale Rate +1
Artwork LongBird_Scale Description [Single Ally]
After attacking the enemy with the most HP, recover the HP of the ally with the least HP by 2-8. (3 times per Scene, Excludes Mass Attacks)
Sephirah Binah Abnormality Judgement Bird Emotion State Positive
Flavor text All that remains is the unjust scale. The long bird continues on, doling out judgement.
  • This scale always yields a clear verdict; I can make sound, precise judgement with it.
  • My subjective views might affect fair judgement.
  • What if the scale doesn’t tip in either direction someday…? I can’t let that happen.
  • My scale won’t cease its duty until the day all evil beings disappear.
Internal NameLongBird_Scale
Name (EN)Tilted Scale
Name (KR)기울어진 저울
Name (JP)傾いた秤
Emotion Rate1
Script ::EmotionCardAbility_longbird3
LOR: /card/emotioncard/EmotionCard_binah.xml, lines 107 ~ 118:

<EmotionCard ID="9">