Abnormality Page: Judgement

Level Name Judgement Rate -2
Artwork LongBird_Judgement Description [Single Ally]
At the start of the Scene, all characters gain 1 Sin at a 50% chance.
If a character has 5+ Sin, they take damage equal to 10% of their Max. HP at the start of the Scene, and all Sin is removed from them.
Sin can be transferred to another character by attacking and damaging them. (Once per page)
Sephirah Binah Abnormality Judgement Bird Emotion State Negative
Flavor text Then somebody said, “But what if the scale doesn’t tip in either direction someday?” Worried, Long Bird made a scale that always tipped to one side. That way every judgement would yield a clear verdict.
  • When I lift this scale, I wish for immortality upon the guilty.
  • I will pass fair judgement upon all, marking out the misdeeds…
  • To protect the forest, I’ll lift the scale. Eternal judgement shall be delivered to them.
  • To judge all the beasts that live in this forest…
Internal NameLongBird_Judgement
Name (EN)Judgement
Name (KR)심판
Name (JP)審判
Emotion Rate-2
Script ::EmotionCardAbility_longbird2
LOR: /card/emotioncard/EmotionCard_binah.xml, lines 94 ~ 105:

<EmotionCard ID="8">