Abnormality Page: Punishing Beak

Level Name Punishing Beak Rate +2
Artwork SmallBird_Beak Description [Single Ally]
The librarian's attacks deal bonus damage equal to the number of Scenes that pass without the librarian taking damage from attacks. (Max. 10)
Sephirah Binah Abnormality Punishing Bird Emotion State Positive
Flavor text People have been committing sins since long ago. “Why do they commit sins, knowing it’s wrong?”
  • Why do they commit sins when they know it’s wrong?
  • I’ll give them a good scolding, so they won’t even think about doing misdeeds again.
  • Don’t do bad things from now on!
Internal NameSmallBird_Beak
Name (EN)Punishing Beak
Name (KR)처벌하는 부리
Name (JP)処罰するくちばし
Emotion Rate2
Script ::EmotionCardAbility_smallbird2
LOR: /card/emotioncard/EmotionCard_binah.xml, lines 55 ~ 66:

<EmotionCard ID="5">