Abnormality Page: Punishment

Level Name Punishment Rate -1
Artwork SmallBird_Punishment Description [Single Ally]
After taking damage, the first die of the first page the librarian uses next Scene gains 2-4 Power. (Excludes [On Play] pages)
Sephirah Binah Abnormality Punishing Bird Emotion State Negative
Flavor text “It must be because there’s no one to punish people for their misdeeds. If someone takes that role, then no foul act would happen in this world ever again!”
  • If I punished them, then there won’t be any more bad people, right?
  • There’s no point in forgiving. A misdeed is a misdeed.
  • That’s it! It’s gotta be because there’s no one to punish all the bad guys in the world.
Internal NameSmallBird_Punishment
Name (EN)Punishment
Name (KR)징벌
Name (JP)懲罰
Emotion Rate-1
Script ::EmotionCardAbility_smallbird1
LOR: /card/emotioncard/EmotionCard_binah.xml, lines 42 ~ 53:

<EmotionCard ID="4">