Abnormality Page: Big Eyes

Level Name Big Eyes Rate -1
Artwork ApocalypseBird_BigEye Description [Single Ally]
At the start of the Scene, inflict 'Enchanted' to all enemies.
Enchanted enemies prioritize this librarian as a target, and deal +2-4 damage with attacks.
Gain 1-2 Power in clashes against Enchanted enemies, and recover 2-5 HP and Stagger Resist upon winning a clash.
Sephirah Binah Abnormality Apocalypse Bird Emotion State Negative
Flavor text The Big Bird’s eyes imprisoned light.
  • The bright light is trapped.
  • Let’s be free before we have to face that fear…
  • With just one simple act, I’ll give you a permanent and comfortable rest…
  • I have to be vigilant, watch out for any intruders.
Internal NameApocalypseBird_BigEye
Name (EN)Big Eyes
Name (KR)큰 눈
Name (JP)大きな目
Emotion Rate-1
Script ::EmotionCardAbility_bossbird2
LOR: /card/emotioncard/EmotionCard_binah.xml, lines 133 ~ 144:

<EmotionCard ID="11">