Abnormality Page: Companion

Level Name Companion Rate +0
Artwork Angry_Friend Description [Single Ally]
When there is no 'Companion' present, the first enemy the selected librarian hits is marked as one. When the selected librarian defeats the Companion, all librarians restore 3 Light and recover 10 HP and Stagger Resist.
Sephirah Tiphereth Abnormality The Servant of Wrath Emotion State Positive
Flavor text The Servant of Wrath valued justice and balance more than anyone, but she began sharing knowledge with the Hermit—an enemy of her realm—becoming friends with her in secret.
  • Call me… Call my name…
  • Friend… My friend… Those who need… each other…
  • We… We were true friends… Right?
  • It was the most precious relationship to me, and what happened…
Internal NameAngry_Friend
Name (EN)Companion
Name (KR)
Name (JP)
Emotion Rate0
Script ::EmotionCardAbility_servantofwrath2
LOR: /card/emotioncard/EmotionCard_tiphereth.xml, lines 124 ~ 134:

<EmotionCard ID="11">