Abnormality pages

All Enemy
Malkuth Yesod Hod Netzach Tiphereth Gebura Chesed Binah Hokma Keter


Scorched Girl

Ashes +0 “The charred body represents the child’s crumbled hope, while the ever blazing flame represents the obsession for affection.” [Single Ally]
When hit, inflict 1-3 Burn to the attacker, and gain a buff at a 40% chance next Scene: ‘Offensive dice inflict 1 Burn on hit’ (Does not stack).
Footfalls -3 I am coming to you. You, who will be reduced to ash like me. [All Allies]
When a librarian's HP is at 20% or lower, deal 30% of the target's Max HP as damage (Max. 36) and inflict 1-3 Burn upon approaching them, then die.
Matchlight -1 “Well, she’s like a ticking time bomb. No one can tell if she’s in a good mood or not.” [Single Ally]
The first two Combat Pages the librarian uses after this Abnormality page is selected gain the 'Matchlight' status (Excludes [On Play] pages). Whenever the librarian uses a page with 'Matchlight', gain 1 'Ember'.
Pages with 'Matchlight' become stronger based on the amount of Ember; however, they have a 25% chance to damage the user if Ember is at 4 or higher.

Happy Teddy Bear

Nostalgic Embrace of the Old Days +1 Teddy was hugging someone tightly. Teddy loved hugs. But something was odd. [Single Ally]
Upon winning a clash, deal bonus Stagger damage equal to the dice's value at a 20% chance.
Clashing against the same target multiple times will increase the likelihood.
Happy Memories +2 But, you see, Teddy never wanted to be separate from its owner ever again. [Single Ally]
The Combat Page with the highest Cost in hand is chosen (Excludes [On Play] pages). Using pages with the same name will decrease the Cost of every copy of that page the character currently owns by 1.
Display of Affection -3 Its memories began with a warm hug. [Single Ally]
All dice gain 1-2 Power in a clash.
All dice lose 1-2 Power in a one-sided attack.

Fairy Festival

The Fairies’ Care -2 The fairies protect our employees. Everything will be peaceful while you are under the fairies’ care. [Single Ally]
For three Scenes, recover 15% of Max HP (Max. 18) at the end of the Scene.
If the librarian is hit 3 times while this effect is active, lose 25% of current HP (Max. 30) and lose this effect.
Gluttony +2 The fairies were no more than carnivorous monsters, and their “protection” was their method to keep the meat fresh. [Single Ally]
When attacking a target who already took damage on the same Scene, deal +1-3 damage and recover 2-5 HP on hit.
Predation -2 His stomach and face were ripped off, and his eyeballs and organs were damaged as if they were eaten by something. Meanwhile, the fairies had someone’s blood and flesh smeared all over their mouths. [Single Ally]
All allies except the selected librarian lose 10 HP.
The librarian recovers as much HP as others lost from this effect, and gains 3 Strength and 3 Haste this Scene.

Queen Bee

Spores +0 It has been confirmed that the spores carry drone eggs that hatch inside a living host. [Single Ally]
When hit, inflict 1-3 Burn and 1-3 Bleed to the attacker next Scene.
Worker Bee -1 They show only two forms of behavior: Delivering nutrients to the Queen, and proliferating. [Single Ally]
The enemy who dealt the most damage to the selected librarian is marked. Other allies deal 2-4 more damage to the marked foe with their attacks.
Loyalty -2 The loyalty of bees is a naturally developed instinct. If we discover a way to draw forth that instinct, many things could change. [Single Ally]
At the start of the Scene, all allies gain Strength based on the amount of damage the selected librarian received on the previous Scene.
(1 Strength per 5 damage)

Snow White’s Apple

Vines +1 One day, a branch grew from it. The leaves and branches were already withered and dry, but it continued to grow. [Single Ally]
For the rest of the Act, inflict 6 Bind to a random enemy at the start of the Scene.
Pierce dice gain 1-2 Power when attacking that enemy.
Barrier of Thorns +2 The apple that dropped from Snow White’s hand after a single bite could never be happy. The apple, full of loneliness and hatred towards the princess, waited for the day it would rot away and return to the earth. [Single Ally]
When hit, inflict 2-8 damage and 1-3 Bind to the attacker.
If 3 Bind was inflicted at once, recover HP equal to the amount of damage dealt with this effect.
Malice +0 The inherent malice caused all life to crumble as soon as it bloomed. [Single Ally]
At the start of this Scene, all enemies take damage inversely proportional to the amount of HP the librarian has left. (Min. 5, Max. 30; Less HP is more DMG)


Forsaken Murderer

Metallic Ringing +0 “My head… turning into metal… folds in my brain, being flattened…” [Single Ally]
Upon a successful Blunt attack, inflict 1 Bind and Paralysis next Scene. (Excludes Mass Attacks)
Chained Wrath +0 He wears a straitjacket, but is as free as any man. No amount of chains and restraints is enough to prevent him from committing violence. [Single Ally]
Blunt dice gain 1-3 Power. Speed is fixed at 1.
Violence -2 “What’s really pitiful is people like you dying to the likes of me.” [Single Ally]
Lower the minimum value of all dice by 1, and raise the maximum value by 3.

All-Around Helper

Recharge +0 However, the limbs were equipped with sharp instruments instead of cleaning supplies. [Single Ally]
If the librarian has maximum Light at the start of a Scene, gain 1-2 Haste, and deal +2-7 damage with attacks for that Scene.
Repetitive Pattern-Recognition +1 The day I was sent to a new home for the first time, I gave them the gift they wanted so earnestly. [Single Ally]
After every three clash wins, restore 1 Light and gain 1-2 Haste next Scene.
Clean +2 It recognizes a bad mood as a sign that the surroundings are dirty, and promptly enters cleaning mode. [Single Ally]
Offensive dice gain Power against enemies with slower Speed (+1 Power per point of difference, up to 3).

Singing Machine

Music -1 But nothing could compare to the music it makes when it eats a human. [All Characters]
All characters deal +4-8 damage with attacks this reception. They also suffer +4-8 Stagger damage upon taking a hit.
Whenever an ally defeats an enemy, they recover 15 HP and Stagger Resist.
Rhythm -1 It was creating a rhythm. [Single Ally]
For the duration of the battle, gain 1 Rhythm at the start of each Scene. Whenever a character with Rhythm makes a successful attack, a random character gains 1 Rhythm at a 25% chance next Scene.
(Rhythm: Gain 1 Strength, take additional Stagger damage from hits, lasts 1 Scene)
Musical Addiction -2 After all, art is a devil’s gift, born from despair and suffering. Never stop performing until the body crumbles to dust. [Single Ally]
Offensive dice gain 1-3 Power.
Defensive dice roll 1.

The Funeral of the Dead Butterflies

Eternal Rest +1 People believed that they would become beautiful beings with small wings when they died. It’s a silly story. Nonsensical too. [Single Ally]
Deal +2-7 damage and +2-5 Stagger damage against the enemy with the lowest current HP.
Lament +0 They say the mourner with a huge luggage on his back had come to be a savior to all. [Single Ally]
Deal +2-4 damage against an enemy with a status ailment.
If the librarian has a status ailment at the start of the Scene, gain 1-2 Strength.
Coffin +1 He’s carrying a coffin. A large coffin to pay tribute to the employees who have nowhere else to go. It is still too small to comfort those innocent sacrifices. [Single Ally]
On hit against an enemy whose HP is at 50% or lower, Seal one Speed die of the target (Twice per Scene, Excludes Mass Attacks).

Der Freischütz

Request +2 Just as the Devil said, the bullets will puncture anything you please. Forever. [Single Ally]
When there is no 'Requested Target' present, the first enemy the selected librarian hits is marked as one.
Deal +3-5 damage against the Requested Target.
When the selected librarian defeats the Requested Target, fully recover Stagger Resist, and resolve twice as many books.
The Seventh Bullet -1 The Devil proposed a childish contract: The last bullet would puncture the head of his beloved. The moment he heard that, he sought and shot all the people he loved. [Single Ally]
Deal +1-7 damage with Offensive dice.
When an Offensive die draws or loses in a clash, deal damage equal to the dice value to the opponent.
Every 7th Melee or Ranged page targets random characters, including allies.
Dark Flame +0 One day, the marksman realized the Devil no longer followed him. He pondered why, then realized that his soul had already fallen to Hell from the beginning. [Single Ally]
For the duration of the reception, the 'Endured/Ineffective' resistances of all characters change to 'Weak/Fatal'.
Gain 1-2 Haste and 2-4 Strength each Scene.


Today’s Shy Look

Look of the Day +0 One sunny day, just like that day they sincerely dried the laundry, they dried their own skin. [Single Ally]
The librarian's face constantly shifts.
Dice gain different amounts of Power depending on the current face. (Min. -2, Max. +2)
Anger is fierce.
Social Distancing +2 If one tries to look at the face behind the skin, the result will not be pretty. The space behind their skin is the only personal space they have left. Leaving it uninvaded is the last bit of generosity the City can offer. [Single Ally]
Block dice gain 1-2 Power.
Deal +2-7 Stagger damage on a deflect.
Shyness +1 The inability to show one’s face is perhaps a form of shyness. When throbbing emotions surge up from time to time, it’s best to simply cover the face. [Single Ally]
When using a page, all Block dice on that page gain Power equal to the number of Defensive dice on said page.

The Red Shoes

Glitter -2 The shoes were colorless.
They will soon turn red.
[Single Ally]
At the start of the Scene, each enemy is Allured at a 50% chance.
Allured enemies prioritize this librarian as a target, and deal +2-4 damage with attacks.
Gain 1-2 Power in clashes against Allured enemies.
Obsession -2 I’ll break your legs, then you won’t be able to dance ever again. [All Characters]
All characters apply twice as many stacks of Bleed.
Axe -1 At some point, <Redacted> was wearing the shoes, grinning from ear to ear. It was uh, well it was quite strange. That wasn’t a smile. It was… [Single Ally]
Slash dice gain 1-3 Power.
Take 2-5 Stagger damage when a Slash attack does not connect. (Excludes Mass Attacks)

Spider Bud

Cocoon +1 Unsurprisingly, not a single employee volunteered to retrieve the corpse of their cocooned colleague. [Single Ally]
On hit, if the dice rolled maximum value: inflict 1-2 Paralysis, Bind, and Fragile next Scene.(Excludes Mass Attacks)
Meal +0 Peter was dragged to the ceiling in only a moment. The cocooned employee hanging off the ceiling of the Containment Unit will be a healthy meal for the spider’s offspring. [Single Ally]
On hit against a Staggered enemy, all allies recover 2-4 HP.(Excludes Mass Attacks)
Alertness +2 The eyes shone in the dark, searching for prey to feed to its spiderlings. [Single Ally]
Enemies lose 1 Power in clashes against the selected librarian.
Upon winning a clash, inflict 1 Bind and Fragile next Scene at a 50% chance.


Surprise Gift +0 And when the kid meets someone she likes, she will give them a gift made all by herself. The gift's content is a secret though! [Single Ally]
The first opponent to clash against the selected librarian gains the 'Giftee' status.
If the 'Giftee' clashes against a character other than the selected librarian, the 'Gift' explodes at a 40% chance, dealing 2-7 damage and inflicting 2 Bleed next Scene.
When the 'Giftee' dies, a new 'Gift' can be given.
Friend +0 She was so sad that she had to leave her dear friends behind, so she came up with a brilliant idea! [Single Ally]
At the start of the Scene, sneak a 'friend' into one of the Combat Pages in hand. (Excludes [On Play] pages)
Does not activate when there's already a page with a 'friend' in hand.
The page with the 'friend' gains 2-4 Power.
However, if the page is not used within 2 Scenes, it exhausts, dealing 2-7 damage to the librarian.
Funny Prank -1 So this little lady has made a decision! To stay here and never leave until laughter is restored to this place! [Single Ally]
The first die of any Combat Page the librarian plays will always roll either the maximum or minimum value.
Take 2-7 damage if it rolled the minimum value.

Dream of a Black Swan

Gooey Waste +0 Elijah fell to her knees and finally started to puke up the thing everyone else was vomiting. [Single Ally]
Upon winning a clash, inflict 1 Bind, Fragile, Bleed and Paralysis to all enemies next Scene. (Twice per Scene)
Well-worn Parasol -2 Believing that it would turn white, the black swan wanted to lift the curse by weaving together nettles. All that was left is a worn parasol it once treasured. [Single Ally]
Gain 2-3 Speed.
When hit, nullify the damage at a 30% chance, and return double the amount back to the attacker as Stagger damage.
Loving Family +2 She began to look for her brothers. Her family who needed to wear the nettle clothing to be free from the curse. Ones whom she shared happy dreams with. [Single Ally]
Gain 6 'Nettle Clothing', which grants Protection equal to its amount each Scene. A stack of 'Nettle Clothing' is lost at the end of each Scene.


Fragment of the Universe

Echoes from the Beyond +3 You see a song in front of you. It’s approaching, becoming more colorful by the second. [All Characters]
Deal 5-10 Stagger damage to all enemies. All allies recover 5-10 Stagger Resist.
Tentacles +1 The moment its tentacle penetrates you, it’ll drain all the interest for the life you’re currently living out of you. [Single Ally]
On a successful Pierce attack, reduce the max Stagger Resist of the target by 5%. (Up to 50%, Excludes Mass Attacks)
Incomprehensible +1 Eventually, he succeeded in entering the domain of the ‘Fragment of the Universe’. However, it was obvious that his small brain couldn’t withstand it. [Single Ally]
On a one-sided attack, inflict 1 Feeble and Disarm next Scene at a 50% chance.
The likelihood increases by 10% for each successful attack. (Three times per engagement, Excludes Mass Attacks)

Child of the Galaxy

Pebble -1 “Do you like it? More than you like me? Isn’t it obvious? I know everything. Whatever you do, wherever you go.” [Single Ally]
At the start of each Scene, three random pages in hand gain the 'Pebble' status. (Excludes [On Play] pages)
Recover 3-7 HP upon using pages with the Pebble.
Lose 1-3 HP upon using pages without the Pebble.
Teardrop -2 I hear his whispers and breath. Pitch black darkness follows… just like the night I met him… [Single Ally]
Dice Power +1. On death, all characters take 50% of this character's Max HP as damage. (Max. 60)
A Token of Friendship +2 The pebble dropped into your hand sparkles, sways, tickles, and eventually becomes the universe. [All Allies]
For 3 Scenes, all allies recover 10% of Max HP at the start of the Scene. (Max. 12)


Thorns +2 At first, all I had to do was be lightly pricked by one of the thorns. Now I have to rub my whole body against it to get the same high. [Single Ally]
On a successful Pierce attack, inflict 1 Thrill to the target.
Against targets with 3+ Thrill, deal 2-7 bonus damage and Stagger damage, then remove all stacks of Thrill.(Excludes Mass Attacks)
Elation -2 Now it’s time for my head to burst. Good day. [Single Ally]
Dice Power +1. Reduce Max Stagger Resist by 50%.
Laughing Powder +0 When the powder that falls from the thorns becomes known to the world, people may forever sink into the swamp of intoxication. [All Allies]
When hit, recover 2-4 Stagger Resist if the character isn't staggered.


Flower Petals -1 Shedding flower petals in place of tears, you spoke to me. “We were all part of earth once, so I plead you not to speak of the end here and now.” [Single Ally]
Each time the librarian sustains damage greater than 10% of their Max HP, all enemies take 4-8 Stagger damage, and the librarian recovers 5-10 HP.
Autumn’s Passing +0 Bearing the hope to return to dust, it shall go back to the grave with all that desires to live. [Single Ally]
When hit, inflict 1 Aroma.
(Aroma: At the start of the Scene, take Stagger damage equal to the amount of Aroma and halve the stack.)
Spring’s Genesis +1 Unwithering flowers violently blossom. [Single Ally]
Each Scene, a 'Petal' attaches to a random enemy.
After the character with the Petal takes 4 hits in a single Scene, all characters take 3-7 Stagger damage, and the librarian becomes untargetable for the next Scene.

The Silent Orchestra

Ever-repeating Performance +3 The performance does not end. And Da capo. And, Da capo al Fine [Single Ally]
Add an 'Ever-repeating Performance' page to the hand: ‘Cost 3 - [Single-use;][On Use] Ends the Scene. At the start of the next Scene, user's HP and Stagger Resist return to the values they had when acquiring this page, and fully restore Light.’
The page is also included in the deck at the start of subsequent Acts.
Fervent Adoration -1 The orchestra gives impetus to the music, bringing the entire department to its demise. When all the performers have gathered, the music that no one can hear but everyone can listen to begins. [Single Ally]
All enemies target random characters including their own allies for 2 Scenes. Enemies deal +2-4 damage with attacks while this effect lasts.
The Finale +0 “The music shall perforate your entire being.” [Single Ally]
Whenever the selected librarian Staggers an enemy, all enemies lose 1-6 Light at the start of the next Scene.


The Queen of Hatred

Love +1 In the name of Love and Justice~ Here comes Magical Girl! [Single Ally]
After winning a clash using an Offensive die, a random ally recovers 3-5 HP.
After winning a clash using a Defensive die, a random ally recovers 2-4 Stagger Resist.
Justice +0 If I am on the side of good, then someone has to be on the side of evil. Without someone to play the villain, I can’t exist. [Single Ally]
The enemy who dealt the most damage to allies on the previous Scene is marked as a 'Villain'.
Deal +3-5 damage when attacking the 'Villain'.
Hate -1 She vowed to love everything in the world, but all that was left was a collapsing heart. [Single Ally]
After losing a clash, take 2-4 Stagger damage, and gain 1 Strength next Scene. (Up to 2 per Scene)
After losing three clashes in a single Scene, reduce the Cost of the most expensive page in hand by 1. (Once per Scene)

The Knight of Despair

Blessing -1 The will to protect seems to remain unchanged after all this time; even in containment, it is still obsessed with the act of protection. [Single Ally]
If the character took damage from attacks on the previous Scene, change this character's resistances against the type that dealt the most damage to "Endured" for the Scene. (Applies separately for physical and Stagger damage)
Despair -2 As with sorrow, perhaps sharing the burden will blunt the edge. [All Allies]
Whenever an ally dies, all other allies gain 1-3 Strength and Haste, and all enemies are inflicted with 2 Fragile.
Blades Whetted by Teardrops +2 When Justice turns its back once more, several dozen blades will rove without a purpose. The swords will eventually point at those she could not protect. [Single Ally]
On a successful Pierce attack, if the die rolled max. value, deal bonus damage equal to 10% of the target's Max HP. (Max. 12, Excludes Mass Attacks)

The King of Greed

Intemperance +2 The first seed of desire originated from the pure yearning for happiness. The tiny seed grew larger and larger, hungering for more. Over time, the seed hardened and turned into a piece of shiny gem. [Single Ally]
If the first die of a Combat Page wins a clash, destroy all remaining dice the opponent has at a 25% chance.
Road to Happiness +1 Happiness became obsession, obsession became greed, and the greed forever solidified to become a golden amber. The happiness in the beginning, still holding a smile, dwells inside. [Single Ally]
Gain 1 Endurance for each clash won in a Scene. (Up to 3 per Scene)
Greed -1 The magical girl, who was no longer a magical girl, ate many things. Authority, money, fame, and many other forms of pleasure. She ended up eating away anything in her sight. Now, only visceral greed remains. [Single Ally]
In a clash, if the winner's dice roll is greater than the loser's by 4 or higher, the loser takes 3-7 bonus damage, and the winner recovers 2-5 HP. (Both the librarian and their opponent can activate this effect)

The Servant of Wrath

Wrath -1 The Servant was betrayed after abandoning her principles and ingenuously trusting someone with her whole heart. Now, she is dominated by the anger towards herself for what she had done. [Single Ally]
The selected librarian enters a state of Wrath.
The librarian will become uncontrollable and target random characters, including allies.
Also, the librarian gains 2 Strength, restores 2 Light, and draws 2 more pages each Scene.
Companion +0 The Servant of Wrath valued justice and balance more than anyone, but she began sharing knowledge with the Hermit—an enemy of her realm—becoming friends with her in secret. [Single Ally]
When there is no 'Companion' present, the first enemy the selected librarian hits is marked as one. When the selected librarian defeats the Companion, all librarians restore 3 Light and recover 10 HP and Stagger Resist.
Acidic Sludge +1 When the two met at last, the Hermit brought countless minions to destroy the Servant’s world. [All Enemies]
Inflict 5 'Erosion' to all enemies. Enemies with Erosion also gain Bind equal to the amount of Erosion they currently have.
(Erosion: At the end of the Scene, take damage equal to the amount of Erosion and lose 1 stack; when taking a hit, take bonus damage and Stagger damage equal to the amount of Erosion.)

The Jester of Nihil

Magical Girls -2 The jester retraced the steps of a path everybody would’ve taken. The jester always found itself at the end of that road. There was no way to know if they had gathered to become the jester, or if the jester had come to resemble them. [Single Ally]
At the start of the Scene, a Combat Page in hand with the highest Cost (that is lower than 4) is marked with a Magical symbol.
After losing 4 clashes with the marked page, gain 5 Protection each Scene, and become immune to status ailments for the rest of the reception.
Also, when hit, inflict 1 Erosion and Fragile next Scene to the attacker. (Twice per Scene)
Void -1 The jester was deeper in thought, that poor jester. Without the brave puppy to lead the way, it walks with meaningless steps. [Single Ally]
Add an 'All Returns to the Void' page to the hand: ‘Cost 3 - [Single-use;][Combat Start] Exhaust all pages from hand. Every Scene after this, gain Strength and Endurance equal to the number of pages exhausted this way.’
The page is also included in the deck at the start of subsequent Acts.
Nix +0 Having decided to trust its own intuition, the jester spake the names of everyone it had met on that path with each step it took. [Single Ally]
This page is only effective if the librarian possesses all four of the following Abnormality pages: 'Greed', 'Hate', 'Despair', and 'Wrath'.
At the start of the Scene, inflict 5 Feeble, Disarm, and Bind to all other characters. 'Greed', 'Hate', and 'Wrath' lose their drawbacks.


Little Red Riding Hooded Mercenary

Prey +2 The wolf’s death is the one and only thing I can love in my life. [Single Ally]
Mark the first enemy that is attacked by this librarian after the page is selected.
Deal +2-6 damage when attacking the marked foe.
Vengeance -1 Between us, there’s no victory to be won. All I think about is how I’ll kill that bastard in a way more gruesome and painful than the last time. [Single Ally]
At the start of the Scene, gain Strength based on the amount of damage taken the previous Scene. (1 Strength per 5 damage, up to 2)
Ruddled Welts -1 I got used to grinding the axe instead of picking flowers when I was 15. [Single Ally]
If the librarian's HP is at 50%/35%/25% or lower, gain 1/2/4 Strength each Scene.

Big and Will be Bad Wolf

Instincts +0 The taste of flesh was so good after such a long absence. Since then, it got harder and harder to keep himself in check. Still, it didn’t matter to him. After all, he was “destined” to be a big bad wolf. [Single Ally]
Each time the selected librarian wins a clash, the last die on their current page gains 1-2 Power.
Recover 3-7 HP on a successful hit with that final die.
Claws of Savagery -2 Once upon a time, these claws would cut open the bellies of numerous creatures and tear apart their guts. [Single Ally]
After the librarian sustains damage greater than 25% of their Max HP, become untargetable and unclashable next Scene.
The librarian gains 2 Strength that Scene, and inflicts 1 Bleed with each successful attack.
The Role of the Wolf +0 Wolves could not cross the line when doing bad things. And wolves had to be punished. Wolves always needed to be an example. [Single Ally]
Counter dice gain 1-2 Power.
Counter dice inflict 2 Fragile upon winning a clash. (3 times per Scene)

Mountain of Smiling Bodies

Absorption +2 It only wants one thing: our flesh drenched in blood. Once it gets a whiff of the scent, it will pursue us in an instant. [Single Ally]
For the duration of the Act, recover 20% of Max. HP (Max. 20) upon defeating an enemy.
At the start of the Scene, gain Strength based on the amount of HP the librarian has recovered this Act. (1 Strength per 10% of Max. HP healed, up to 3)
Laughter +0 From the mountains of bodies; the dead gave life to something. The dead fused with one another, all smiling. [Single Ally]
When the librarian takes a hit while their HP is at 50% or lower, a screech bursts out at a 50% chance. (Up to 3 times per Scene)
The screech deals 2-5 Stagger damage to all enemies and inflicts 1 Fragile next Scene.
Mountain of Corpses -2 The more bodies it comes across, the more defined its shape becomes. And it is never satisfied. [Single Ally]
All librarians except the selected one are immediately killed when this page is chosen.
The selected librarian gains Max Light Capacity, Light Restoration, Strength, Protection, and Haste proportional to the number of librarians killed for the rest of the battle.


Fear of Water +0 He seemed lost. He was looking for something, but he didn’t appear to know what he wanted to find. [Single Ally]
On hit, inflict 1 Bleed next Scene, and gain 1 Blood.(Excludes Mass Attacks)
Blood grants various effects depending on its amount, such as increasing attack damage at the cost of HP, taking Stagger damage at the start of the Scene, and granting Strength.
Wine +1 It maintains a human form, but a single drop of blood should be enough for it to shapeshift into a ferocious monster and spend the night in a rampage. [Single Ally]
Upon defeating an enemy with Bleed, all allies recover 10 HP, and the selected librarian gains max Blood.
Vampirism +1 …And the thirst would never truly be quenched. [Single Ally]
Deal +2-4 damage and recover 2-5 HP upon attacking a target with Bleed.(Excludes Mass Attacks)

Nothing There

Goodbye -1 If it has been confirmed that it has escaped and stood on two feet, there is only one thing you can do. Straighten up your posture, gather your hands neatly, and pray to whatever you believe in and observe the situation as it unfolds. [Single Ally]
Double the Power of the last die the librarian plays each Scene.
Hello? +0 “What’s worse, it tried to mimic humans. Doing stuff like looking into a mirror, mumbling to itself, or trying to fix its skeletal structure; it’s as if it was trying to mimic ‘us’.” [Single Ally]
Each Scene, the first die the librarian plays recovers HP equal to the amount of damage it dealt.
Shell +1 Its appearance resembles a human, but it most certainly isn’t human. It periodically devours employees and wears their shell. The skeleton and organs are misplaced during the process, so it takes a bizarre form. [Single Ally]
Nullify incoming Stagger damage from attacks.


Scarecrow Searching for Wisdom

Torn Off Wisdom -2 When he returned, he had a visibly long scar on his head. People asked him how he felt, and he responded that his head felt lighter. [Single Ally]
Whenever the librarian uses a page, discard a random page from hand and restore 1 Light. (Excludes [On Play] pages)
Gleaning +1 It shows aggression towards certain employees, attempting to take their brains. These employees are those who scored “Excellent” on the intelligence test. [Single Ally]
After attacking an enemy with a higher amount of Stagger Resist, deal 2-4 bonus Stagger damage, and recover 2-5 Stagger Resist.(Excludes Mass Attacks)
Rake +3 The rake tilled the human brain instead of farmland. How many of the wise people among us have lost their lives to this rake? [Single Ally]
After Staggering an enemy, copy two pages owned by that enemy and add them to the librarian's hand with 2 less Cost.
The copied pages are exhausted on use.
(Can only copy Melee pages while equipping a Melee-only Key page, and vice versa; no effect against characters with 'Shimmering')

Warm-hearted Woodsman

A Warm Heart -1 In anger, he swung his axe through the wizard’s heart. The warm heart was pulsing vigorously. [Single Ally]
At the start of the Scene, boost the Power of Offensive dice by +1-2 for the Scene if the librarian has 3 or more Light.
Cardiae +2 There will never be enough hearts. Once a Woodsman, he now fells people instead of trees. [Single Ally]
After dealing 15 or more damage to enemies in a single Scene, reduce the Cost of the two most expensive pages in hand by 1.
On kill, reduce the Cost to 0 instead.
The Cost reduction is reset when the pages are used.
Timber -1 This is a forest full of hearts. No matter how many he cuts down, the forest still remains dense. [Single Ally]
When attacking a target that has more Light than the librarian, Offensive dice gain Power equal to the amount of Light the target has. (Up to 2)

The Road Home

Courage +0 Can I follow you forever? So I can tear them apart… [Single Ally]
At the start of the Scene, gain Strength and Protection equal to the number of allies currently alive subtracted by 2. (If the value is less than 0, Feeble and Fragile will be inflicted instead.)
Home +0 Unable to ever go back home, they began an endless journey. [All Allies]
At the start of the Scene, numbered targets are placed on up to 3/2/2/1/1 enemies, depending on the number of allies currently alive.
Each time a target is attacked in the correct order, increase outgoing damage by 3 for the Scene.
A Road Walked Together +1 Let’s walk together. To a wonderful land… The world of dreams. [Single Ally]
If an ally redirects an attack that was initially targeting this character, dice on that ally's page gain 1-2 Power in the clash.


Power of the Past -2 Ozma held the pumpkin-carving knife, then took off running towards where the lady wizard should be. [Single Ally]
Increase the Cost of Combat Pages by 1.
All dice gain 3-4 Power.
Oblivion +0 There was such a fine and beautiful person, staring at her with a perplexed expression. [Single Ally]
Add an 'Oblivion' page to hand: ‘Cost 3 - [Single-use;][On Play] Immobilized for this Scene; cannot be targeted. At the end of this Scene, recover 40% of Max. HP (up to 48) and fully restore Light.’
The page is also included in the deck at the start of subsequent Acts.
Powder of Life +0 Finally, she sprinkled cinnamon powder—her favorite—and clutched the pumpkin in her arms. [All Allies]
When a librarian takes lethal damage, nullify it and recover 20% of Max. HP (up to 24). Can only activate once per reception.

The Adult who Tells Lies

Emerald +2 Oz came up with a brilliant idea. Her emerald eyes seemed to shine even brighter. [Single Ally]
Add an 'Emerald' page to hand: ‘Cost 5 - [On Play;] [Target Enemy] Cancel 2 random Combat Pages on the target's Speed dice. Recover 1 Light for each successful hit on the target this Scene (Up to 2)’.
The page is also included in the deck at the start of subsequent Acts.
False Present -1 Poor Ozma. She didn’t know that lying adults don’t approach others without reason. [All Allies]
Add 0-Cost false present pages that activate on play to the E.G.O pages list: 'Liquid Courage', 'Silk Sack of Sawdust', 'Heart of Lead', 'Home that Cannot Be Reached', and 'Transformation'.
The false present pages are also added to the E.G.O page list at the start of subsequent Acts.
Magic Trick +1 Soon, Oz came to be called a wizard by the people. [Single Ally]
Add a 'Magic Trick' page to hand: ‘Cost 4 - [On Play] Reduce the Cost of all pages in hand to 0. When used, their Cost is reset to the value before this effect was applied.’
The page is also included in the deck at the start of subsequent Acts.


Big Bird

Watchful Eyes -2 The eyes always shone brilliantly, burning like stars in the night sky. But it gave its eyes to the Big Bird in order to protect the forest. [Single Ally]
Fully restore the selected librarian's Light.
Each Scene, a random ally gains no Light while the selected librarian restores 1 additional Light.
Eternally Lit Lamp +2 “If I kill the creatures first, then no one would be killed by the beast!” [Single Ally]
Any enemy this librarian targets will be forced to target the librarian back, regardless of Speed.
Salvation +3 To this bird, death in itself is salvation. [Single Ally]
All dice gain +1 Power against enemies with higher Speed.
If target's HP is at 25% or lower, destroy all of their dice upon winning a clash.

Punishing Bird

Punishment -1 “It must be because there’s no one to punish people for their misdeeds. If someone takes that role, then no foul act would happen in this world ever again!” [Single Ally]
After taking damage, the first die of the first page the librarian uses next Scene gains 2-4 Power. (Excludes [On Play] pages)
Punishing Beak +2 People have been committing sins since long ago. “Why do they commit sins, knowing it’s wrong?” [Single Ally]
The librarian's attacks deal bonus damage equal to the number of Scenes that pass without the librarian taking damage from attacks. (Max. 10)
Small Flutters +1 A small and confident bird that punishes the evil, guilty, and all sorts of irreverent people. [Single Ally]
Evade dice gain 1-2 Power.
Upon winning a clash using Evade dice, the next Offensive die gains 1-2 Power.

Judgement Bird

The Weight of Sin +0 Its scale would never neglect the weight of even the smallest sin. [Single Ally]
Whenever a die this librarian plays rolls the minimum value, take 2-7 damage and gain 1-2 Strength and Endurance next Scene.
Judgement -2 Then somebody said, “But what if the scale doesn’t tip in either direction someday?” Worried, Long Bird made a scale that always tipped to one side. That way every judgement would yield a clear verdict. [Single Ally]
At the start of the Scene, all characters gain 1 Sin at a 50% chance.
If a character has 5+ Sin, they take damage equal to 10% of their Max. HP at the start of the Scene, and all Sin is removed from them.
Sin can be transferred to another character by attacking and damaging them. (Once per page)
Tilted Scale +1 All that remains is the unjust scale. The long bird continues on, doling out judgement. [Single Ally]
After attacking the enemy with the most HP, recover the HP of the ally with the least HP by 2-8. (3 times per Scene, Excludes Mass Attacks)

Apocalypse Bird

Long Arms +0 The Long Bird’s arms concealed time. [Single Ally]
Take no damage from certain status ailments (Burn, Bleed, Fairy, Sin).
Big Eyes -1 The Big Bird’s eyes imprisoned light. [Single Ally]
At the start of the Scene, inflict 'Enchanted' to all enemies.
Enchanted enemies prioritize this librarian as a target, and deal +2-4 damage with attacks.
Gain 1-2 Power in clashes against Enchanted enemies, and recover 2-5 HP and Stagger Resist upon winning a clash.
Small Beak +0 And the Small Bird’s beak whispered, endlessly… [Single Ally]
Add a 'Small Beak' page to hand: ‘Cost 0 - [On Play;] [Return to Hand] Take 5% of Max. HP as damage; restore 1 Light’.
The page is also included in the deck at the start of subsequent Acts.
The Beast -1 The day when Big Bird’s eyes that could see hundreds of kilometers away, Long Bird who could judge any sin, and Small Bird’s mouth that could devour everything united into one, darkness fell upon the forest. [Single Ally]
Activates when the selected librarian possesses all of the following Abnormality pages: 'Big Eyes', 'Small Beak', 'Long Arms'.
All dice of characters targeting or targeted by this character are unaffected by Power gain or loss, and their minimum and maximum values are lowered by 3.
At the end of the Scene, all other characters take 15 damage, and this character fully restores Light.
Guardians of the Forest +0 That’s when the birds decided to become the guardians of the forest. They loved this forest more than anyone else did, so they wanted to protect the creatures living in the forest and keep the peace. [Single Ally]
All librarians gain 1 Haste at the start of each Scene for the duration of the reception.
If all five librarians each have an Abnormality page, gain 1-2 Strength and Endurance in addition.
Peace +1 The bird began to prowl the forest, looking for the beast. But there was nothing. There were no creatures, no sun and moon, and no beast. All that was left was just a bird and the Black Forest. [Single Ally]
When there is no 'Intruder' present, the first enemy the selected librarian attacks is marked as an 'Intruder'.(Excludes Mass Attacks)
All of the Intruder's attacks deal 2-4 less physical and Stagger damage; also, the Intruder takes 1-2 bonus damage from attacks.


Burrowing Heaven

Lean, Bloody Wings +1 Once it recognizes that it lost your attention and focus… It will spread its wings. Like an angel, its wings will reach the skies and extend toward the ground, eventually blocking the sun out. [Single Ally]
On a deflect, deal half of the Block dice roll as physical damage to the opponent.
Gaze of Others -2 That’s what a gaze is. Attention. An invisible string that connects us. Sole focus. [Single Ally]
Deal +2-4 damage in a one-sided attack.
In a clash, deal 3-6 less damage with attacks, but Block dice gain 1-3 Power.
Attention and Focus +0 Don’t look away, just keep your eyes on it. Contain it in your sight. [Single Ally]
Deal and take twice as much Stagger damage on a deflect.

The Price of Silence

Time -1 Time flows as life does, and life goes as time does. [All Allies]
The player has 30 seconds to select Combat Pages before the combat phase begins each Scene.
Boost the Power of all dice of all librarians by 1-2.
The Thirteenth Toll +2 I know of absolute solitude. I shared my silence, and now I take its price. Once the time comes and the original owner arrives, the price will be paid. [Single Ally]
Every 13th Combat Page the librarian plays gains 1-2 Power. (Excludes [On Play] pages)
The dice on the page also gain the following effect: ‘[On Hit] Deal bonus damage equal to (Dice value)% of target's Max HP’.
Silence -2 Rarely, I feel as if time has stopped. Fleeting moments of silence sometimes befall me. [Single Ally]
Add a 'Silence' page to the hand: ‘Cost 0 - [On Play] Take 15% of Max. HP as damage; all other characters lose 5 Speed’.
Add an 'Amplify' page to the hand: ‘Cost 0 - [On Play] Take 10% of Max. HP as damage; Gain 5 Speed’.
The page is also included in the deck at the start of subsequent Acts.

Blue Star

Martyr -1 Let us meet again as stars. [Single Ally]
Add a 'Martyr' page to hand: ‘Cost 0 - [On Play] For this Scene, deal 4-6 bonus Stagger damage with attacks but take 1-3 damage after a successful attack’.
The page is also included in the deck at the start of subsequent Acts.
Penance +0 Our Blue Star is the only sanctuary that accepts us. We will be cleansed of our sins there. [Single Ally]
If any character is Staggered at the start of the Scene, they take 3-7 damage, and all allies gain 1 Strength for the Scene. (Multiple Staggered characters do not give more Strength)
A Nostalgic Sound +1 The rise of a star is a brand new beginning. Don’t you hear the everlasting sound of the trumpet? [All Allies]
All allies deal +2-4 Stagger damage for this Scene. The effect of this page activates every 3 Scenes afterwards.


Confession +1 To be willing to bear pain is half the atonement. [All Allies]
Fully recover Stagger Resist, and purge all status ailments. (Also applies to Staggered librarians)
For the duration of the reception, take 2 less Stagger damage from attacks.
Baptism +3 “I shall heal you, curing you of all disease and injury you possess.” [Single Ally]
Add a 'Baptism' page to hand: ‘Cost 2 - [On Play;] [Return to Hand] Target recovers 6 HP and gains 1 Endurance this Scene (Once per Scene)’.
The page is also included in the deck at the start of subsequent Acts.
Advent +2 “I am death and life. Darkness and light.” [Single Ally]
For the duration of the reception, restore 1 additional Light at the start of the Scene.
If the selected librarian also has the Abnormality page 'Baptism', its effect is enhanced: ‘Target recovers 12 HP and gains 2 Endurance this Scene’.
Sentinel +3 “Thou art His Son; thou art the King.” [Single Ally]
As long as there are other allies whom can be targeted, the selected librarian will not be targeted for attacks.
If this character is alive at the end of the reception, resolve an additional book for every guest defeated.
Divine Power +1 “Be not frightened. I am thy savior and I shall be with thee.” [Single Ally]
While this character is alive, all other allies gain 2 Protection each Scene.
If this character has used WhiteNight's E.G.O page, allies also absorb instances of 3 or less damage.
Apostles +1 “Have not I chosen you twelve? Now rise, my servants. Rise and serve me.” [Single Ally]
While this character is alive, all other allies deal +2-7 damage with attacks.
If the character has used 'Baptism' 12 or more times this reception, allies also gain +1 Power.



Blood -1 Unbearable depression overwhelms all who look into the bath. [Single Ally]
Defensive dice gain 1-2 Power.
Receive +3-5 Stagger damage when hit.
Scars +2 When I saw the latticework of scars on her severed wrist, I was reminded of our wine cabinet. That day, I popped the cork off the last one. [Single Ally]
Take 2-5 less damage from Slash attacks.
When hit, reduce the damage of the attack to 0 at a 20% chance.
Pale Hands +1 Many hands float in the bath.
They are the hands of the people I once loved.
[Single Ally]
After three successful attacks on the same target, deal 3-10 bonus Stagger damage.
(Resets upon attacking a different target, Excludes Mass Attacks)

Heart of Aspiration

Pulsation -2 Excessive aspiration would bring about unwarranted frenzy. [All Allies]
Gain 1-2 Strength at the end of each Scene.
At the end of each Scene, if the librarian did not deal any damage with Offensive dice, they lose 25% of their Max HP. (Max. 30)
Urging +0 When borrowed, its rate of contraction will double, enhancing the borrower’s vigor and strength. [Single Ally]
Increase Max HP by 15%. (Current HP increases accordingly)
Gain 1-2 Speed.
Fervent Beats -3 A heart without an owner; it still beats even after being removed from its body. [Single Ally]
The selected librarian dies at the end of the third Scene after which this page was chosen.
Gain 4 Strength, Endurance, Haste, and Protection each Scene until death. All Stagger damage resistances change to "Ineffective".


Learning +0 All the child could do was ‘learn’ by observing others and mimicking their behavior. And that was the problem. [Single Ally]
Add a 'Learn' page to hand: ‘Cost 2 - [Start of Clash] Replace all dice with ones on the opponent's page.’
The page is also included in the deck at the start of subsequent Acts.
Lies -1 People lie all the time. Why is that a bad thing? [Single Ally]
At the start of the Scene, randomize the Costs of all pages whose original Cost is less than 4.
Curiosity -1 I’m keen to learn as usual. Would you like to see me learn? [Single Ally]
At the start of the Scene, shuffle all pages into the draw pile and draw 4 pages.

The Snow Queen

Sword of Frost +2 A queen lives alone in the frosty winter forest. [Single Ally]
Upon winning a clash, inflict 1-3 Bind next Scene at a 50% chance.
Deal +2-5 Stagger damage against targets with Bind.
A Kiss +1 The Snow Queen’s kiss froze his heart, and he couldn’t feel the cold anymore. [Single Ally]
After winning 2 or more clashes with a single Combat Page, inflict Ice Splinter to the opponent.
At the end of each Scene, characters with 3 or more Ice Splinters become Immobilized for the next Scene.
Blizzard +0 Spring arrived with blossoming roses. Its warmth melted the Snow Queen’s palace. No one remembered her, sleeping underneath. [Single Ally]
All characters except the selected librarian become Immobilized for this Scene.
Next Scene, all enemies are inflicted with 6 Bind.

Silent Girl

Hammer and Nail +1 When she drives the nail with her hammer, the crack in the mind will grow too wide, and shatter completely. [Single Ally]
Upon a successful Pierce attack, inflict 1 'Nail' to the target.
If a character with 'Nails' is hit by a Blunt attack, they take bonus damage equal to 5x the amount of Nails in them, then all stacks of Nails are removed.
Leer -1 The girl remains silent. She would simply glare at the core of one’s inner side with her deep eyes. [Single Ally]
Deal and take twice as much physical damage.
Guilt -2 However, when she met a person carrying ‘guilt’ or ‘fear’, the girl revealed the nail and hammer she had been hiding behind her back. [Single Ally]
Reduce incoming Stagger damage by 1-3.
When hit, the attacker takes Stagger damage equal to the physical damage this character received.


? ??? +0 . . . At the start of the Scene, gain 1 Strength.
? ??? +0 . . . At the start of the Scene, gain 1 Feeble and 2 Endurance.
? ? ? ? +0 . . . When another ally gets attacked, gain 1 Strength next Scene (Twice per Scene)
? ? ? ? +0 . . . At the start of the Scene, gain 1 Endurance.